The Annual Christmas essay Competition organized by Mr. Faisal Basma, the Academic Board Chairman, usually opens the platform for children from different levels in the school to effectively exhibit their writing skills. For this reason , several cash prizes always awaits the lucky winners who will be ready to participate.
The topic for December, 2019 was “Manners ” considering its meaning and its importance in life. Based on the normal procedures observed by the judges to identify the winners, among lots of entries, the following pupils were considered victors for writing the best essays:
1st Daniel S. Koroma ( Le: 3,000,000)
2nd Carrietta Farma-Hai (Le: 2,500,000)
3rd Yeama Tucker (Le: 2,000,000)
Amidst thunderous applauds, the chairman, Board of Governors Mr. Samih Hashim, the chairman of the Academic Board Mr. Faisal Basma and the principal Mr. Ali Ahmad presented the prizes to the respective winners.
What first is it that momentarily comes to your mind when considering an image of an ideal person? It will be some well-mannered person with splendid personality.
Manners are acceptable behavioral societal norms. A man’s manner is a mirror in which he reflects his portrait. Manner introduces us to people before we speak to them. Friendships are strengthened on the basis of good manners.
Having good manners would not only benefit oneself but will also contribute towards a more balance and sophisticated society.
Good manners will carry you where money, education, fame and status would not. Thus, “manners maketh man”.
By Daniel S. Koroma Form 5 SC.B